Thursday, March 29, 2012


By 9:30 AM today I was done.  Done with the day.  Completely worn out.  For starters, Ella was home sick again with her bad allergy/sinus combo.  I was waiting for the doctor's office to open so I could get her an appointment because things have not improved since Tuesday.  Add to that Lucas, the three year old who never stops talking.  All day long he is in my ear, asking questions and talking about who-knows-what (sometimes -usually- complete nonsense).  You might say "Just block him out."  Oh no, not with this kid.  He will repeat himself over and over and over until you acknowledge what he said and provide a response he deems acceptable.  I try to remind myself that usually I am the only one he has to talk to all day and one day he won't want to talk to me at all, so just enjoy the moment.  But that's not always easy.  To top things off, there is Joe - the craziest, busiest, most daring 13 month old I have ever seen.  His latest trick is climbing into the gliding rocking chair and standing in it - no hands.  So far he has only fallen once - no major injuries to report. 

Around 9:15 we were racing out the door so I could drop Lucas off at school then take Ella to the doctor.  That in itself is chaotic enough - just the physical requirements of getting everybody ready, making lunch, gathering everything we need, hauling all of it (and people) out the car.  We arrive at the doctor's office 15 minutes early - normally a good thing, but not when attempting to control and corral a 13 month old who is into everything, yet refuses to walk and wants to crawl all over the dirty floor.  Again - exhausting!  Turns out Ella has infections in both ears (my poor girl) so off we go to Walgreens for more meds to add to her collection of allergy-controllers and fever-reducers.  Back home for brief period, then out the door again to get Lucas and drop off some paperwork from my duties as Cookie Mom for Ella's Daisy Scout troop.

This is where the exhaustion reached a new level - that of mental exhaustion.  I had to drop off these papers at someone's house who lives in the same neighborhood where our best friends bought their first home.  They haven't lived there in over 8 years so my children have never seen this place.  But still I think it is worth mentioning since we will be driving right past their old house.
Me: See that house?  That is where Katie and Justin used to live when they were first married.  But they moved when Corinne and Alyssa were just babies.
Ella: So Mariah was probably about 3?
Me: No, she was around 7.
Ella: So was she in first grade?  Or kindergarten?
Me: I don't remember exactly.
Lucas: How old was Jack?
Me: Jack is younger than the girls, so he wasn't born yet.  He never lived in that house.
Lucas: So he was 3?
Me: No.  Jack did not live there.  He wasn't born until they moved into their other house.
Ella: Did you visit them in that house?
Me: Yes, we were there all the time.
Ella: How old were we when they lived there?
Me: You guys weren't born.  I told you they moved when Corinne and Alyssa were babies.
Ella: So I was probably in your belly.
Me: Noooo.  You guys were not born.  Nobody was in my belly.  It was just me and Daddy.
Lucas: Then where were we?
I do not know how to respond to this question.
Me: You just weren't here yet.  You were nowhere.
Lucas: Why?

Luckily at that point we arrived at our destination and I cut the conversation short so I could drop off my papers.  Even luckier, they did not wish to continue the conversation when I got back in the car.

Mind and body officially worn out!

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