As if this household needed more craziness... I think this past week about did me in! Last week we had the electrocution fiasco with Ella - a trip to the ER followed by a trip to Shriner's Burn Clinic. I am happy to report that she is healing quite nicely and all is going well with her.
So Tuesday I took the dogs to the vet for routine check-ups and shots. I was pretty certain Casey had an ear infection in her right ear so I made sure to tip them off on that when I dropped them off. By myself. Carrying a very heavy 14-month-old and attempting to control two 80+ pound dogs. I cannot believe we successfully made it in the door. The nurse even said as much. Turns out that Casey's right ear was indeed infected, as was her left and both of Rugby's as well (although not as bad). Awesome.
The week goes on and Joseph gets fussy. I finally realize on Thursday that he had 4 molars pop through last week, quite possibly on the same day. Poor boy!! That definitely explained the crabbiness and the yucky nose... or so I thought. By Thursday night he was not himself, very clingy and fussy and running a temp of 102. Gave him some Tylenol and hoped for the best in the morning. No such luck, so a call was made to the doctor and a visit scheduled. They diagnosed him with a sinus infection (the second in his short little life) and gave a prescription for Amoxicillin.
The weekend went on and he just did not seem to improve. His fever was gone and his nose wasn't so yucky, but he still was not himself. Sunday afternoon he had a slight rash on his face, we chalked it up to heat. But this morning he woke up with his face and neck covered. Ugh!!! At least it didn't seem to be bothering him. I already had Lucas' 4-year check up scheduled for today so I called the doctor (again!) to see if Joseph could tag along.
Lucas wakes up around 9:00 (super late for him) and walks out looking confused, telling me something is making his ear itchy. After further inspection, it looks as if his ear drum has ruptured. At least that was my diagnosis based on my vast medical knowledge. I've never actually seen a ruptured ear drum, but I couldn't imagine what else it would be. So tack that on to the already-scheduled-visit, too.
I fix lunch, put Joseph down for a nap and settle Lucas in for an afternoon viewing of Cars 2. While cleaning up I notice some water trickling down the kitchen faucet and think this might require some looking into. Open the cabinet under the sink and sure enough, water everywhere.
Have I mentioned yet that Brandon left for another business trip today? That's right, he is GONE all week! So what do I do? Pick up the phone... "Dad!!!" :) Yes, I called my Daddy and yelled help! I do not know the least little thing about plumbing and I wasn't going to pretend I did. Luckily my dad does not live far and has a fairly flexible schedule, so he was able to stop by and perform a quick fix for me.
Upon arriving at the pediatrician's office, they check Lucas and report his ears look perfectly fine. I am baffled. They really have no explanation as to what happened earlier. They examine Joseph and declare he is allergic to penicillin and his ears (which were perfectly fine when we sat in this office 4 days ago) have fluid behind them and look worse than Lucas'. So pitch the amoxicillin, buy another antibiotic and start Benadryl.
It's official - I am DONE for the week! Unfortunately it is only Monday, so that is not an option. So who has a bottle of wine for me???
What a week for you....or should I say start of the week for you! Hope it has gotten better!