My baby is now a toddler. Last week he turned two and with that I think he has aged three years. He is suddenly so OLD! His vocabulary has increased dramatically, he has taken on a new personality and his energy level has doubled. (I didn't even think that was possible.)
Everybody always said "you just know" when you are finished having children. You just have a feeling. We always said we would have 3 kids and that was that. But once this chunky little guy was placed in my arms, I had the feeling.
I can't quite explain it, but everybody who has children knows what I'm talking about. I just knew that our family was complete. Joseph was what - WHO - we needed to make us a family of 5 and make our home what it was meant to be. And I cannot imagine our home without him...
What would I do if I didn't have any help with the laundry?
What would I do if I didn't have someone to help me reach all the high things?
What would I do if I didn't have someone to share my extreme love of chocolate?
And be just as emotional when it was gone??
And what would I do if I didn't have this sweet face to stare at as he sleeps, content and peaceful (and quiet for once!)? It makes me melt.
What would I do without this sweet smile staring back at me so many times throughout the day?
And what would our house sound like without the laughter that Joe brings each and every day?
Joseph keeps me on my toes and makes sure there is never a dull moment in our house. Each day brings laughter and surprises and exhaustion. And each day our home and our lives are blessed because he is in it.
I absolutely love this story!