It has finally happened. I knew it was only a matter of time, but I have to admit it happened a little sooner than I expected. We are now one of "those families" that has extra-curricular activities scheduled every day of the week. Every day except Sunday, but I do teach Sunday School so if you count that I guess that finishes off the week.
Our kids are busy little people who love to get involved and we encourage that. As long as it doesn't go overboard and I don't start pulling my hair out at the roots I will let them play sports and participate in outside activities to their heart's content. I am curious to see how they handle it though. There are kids in this world that can juggle a million things with complete ease and Ella is one of those kids. She is my social butterfly and if it were up to her she would play just about every sport and sign up for every club. We have already had to draw the line on her requests several times. Lucas on the other hand is my home-body, just like his Dad. He starts to melt down when he is worn out and doesn't handle the go-go-go lifestyle all that well. And Joseph... God love him, because he just goes with the flow and is up for pretty much anything, always happy to tag along.
So starting this week... Mondays are swim lessons for Lucas. Tuesdays we have gymnastics for Ella. Wednesday it's Ella's turn for swim lessons. Thursday she moves on to soccer practice and Friday Lucas now has tee-ball practice. Saturday Ella has soccer games. In a few weeks we will add tee-ball games, likely on Wednesday or Thursday evenings.
Of course this won't last forever and we only have about 6 weeks where everyday is booked because of the overlap of seasons. But still, in the meantime... I am excited! Does that sound crazy? It is crazy, but this is part of what I have always dreamed about. Being "that mom" who shuttles her kids around town for all their events, sitting on the sidelines to cheer them on and watching my other kids play on the playground at the same time. I love that they are active and energetic, even if it does wear me out sometimes (OK, a lot of times). I love that they want to try new things and get involved. I love watching them succeed and seeing the excitement in their eyes when they realize it.
I know this is just the beginning of a long career as a sports mom and I'm so happy to get the game started.
Love it!