Thursday, April 5, 2012

You Capture - White

This week's topic for You Capture was white which I thought we be a piece of cake since there are white flowers blooming on trees everywhere.  But of course I did not get a chance to photograph any of them.   :(  Ella's allergies have been so terrible this year that we spent a lot of the last couple of weeks inside, instead of outside where my kids love to be and where I love to be with them.  She even missed a couple days of school due to allergy over-load and ear infections.  But it did not take long for her to bounce back and head back to school and finally the boys and I got outside for a walk so we could all enjoy some fresh air and I could finally take some pictures! 

My kids - just like every other kid out there - LOVE to blow the "white fuzzies" that come from the dead dandelions.  Much to my husband's dismay they are all over our yard.  It does not help that Ella encourages her brother to "blow them in the yard so more will grow!"  He tells them to stop, I call him a kill joy.

We have a ton of beautiful flowers in our yard, both front and back.  And if the theme is ever "purple" I will show them to you.  I didn't realize I planted that much purple or that I even liked purple that much, but apparently I do.  It is everywhere in our yard.  We do have some other colors, including white, but of course none of those are blooming yet.  I have to admit, I do not know the first thing about gardening.  All I know is that I need plants that can take "full sun" because our yard does not catch a break.  I'm honestly shocked all these flowers have survived, and even thrived, all these years.  So since I didn't have anything to shoot in my own yard, I had to use a neighbor.  (They probably think I am crazy from taking pictures of their yard from across the street.)  But these white daffodils were just too irresistable and looked even more brilliant against the green.

And I even like them with the little splash of color in the background.

More white can be found over at I Should Be Folding Laundry.  Happy capturing!

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