What a fun challenge this week! The story of my weekend can actually be told through drinks...
Last week the kids and I spent every morning at Vacation Bible School. While it was amazing, it did throw off our normal routine and I think it is safe to say it wore us all out. So by the time Friday evening rolled around, I was DONE. Once we got the kids in bed, Brandon and I planted ourselves on our family room couch and caught up on our DVR while enjoying a few much-needed adult beverages. Nothing fancy, but simple is exactly what we needed!
Saturday our friends threw a Luau-themed party, roasted pig and all. True to their style, the house was decorated in bright colors, everyone received a lei as they walked in the door and there was a variety of frozen drinks to choose from. They even took care of the non-frozen-drinkers with some good old fashioned beer, but they still couldn't escape the festive cups!
Of course the best part of this evening was getting to share a few drinks with my old friend.
My absolute favorite parts of every weekend are Saturday mornings (and sometimes Sundays) when we have nothing to do except sit around, drink coffee, watch cartoons with the kids and read the paper. It doesn't happen often around here, but when it does... oh, it is glorious! (A side note on my mug of choice: We have 3 photo mugs, one for each child. And you better believe they pay attention to which one you are using and ensure they get proper rotation so everybody gets a turn!)
Sunday afternoon my best friend and I took all 6 of our "little" kids to the zoo. It was supposed to be a nice day - warm and sunny. At least that's what the weather man said. The reality: it was HOT! Luckily I still need to bring a stroller on such outings so we could load up the basket with refeshments.
Sunday night as Brandon and I sat down after the kids were in bed, we both agreed it was the best weekend we've had in a very long time. Time spent together, time spent with good friends and fun for everybody. Doesn't get much better than that.
See what other people are drinking this week at I Should Be Folding Laundry.
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