My mom and step-dad have a pool at their house and many weekends are spent there, with a lot of other family members and friends. We have a very large family and a lot of very close family friends (extended family, if you will) - if you didn't know any better you would think they are having a party every weekend. But no - it's just the family!
Of course they love nothing more than when their little angels (my 3 kids and my nephew) come to visit. Being the doting grandparents they are, the kids pretty much have the run of the place and can do and have what they want. So here they are - Joseph, Lucas, Ella and Nathan - taking a much-needed snack break. They had drinks in their personalized water bottles (purchased by Mawmaw) and Oreo cookies (provided by Pawpaw). Pool, sun, cousins, chocolatey snacks - what more could a kid ask for?
The thing I look forward to most every summer - our annual Haungs Memorial Golf Outing.
This is the eighth year for our outing. It involves all of my mom's siblings (that's them in the picture above, plus my Grandma), along with their families, converging on Northern Kentucky for a mini-reunion and 9-hole golf outing. Now that everybody is scattered across the country, we don't see each other as often. But every year, in early July, we come together for a golf outing and party in honor and memory of my grandfather and my uncle who have passed away.
It is fun for so many reasons. Most of us (myself included) are NOT golfers, so we just get out there to have a good time. And there are a lot of us - my mom is one of nine kids, there are 14 grandkids and now we are starting to have our own children so there is a whole new generation. There is a trophy, so there are some bragging rights that go along with a win. There are pictures from years past, all compiled into an album, so there are stories shared and rehashed. There is food and drink, and swimming and card-playing and time spent together that we don't get any other time of the year. It is an all-day and all-night event and it has been one of my favorite things every year since we began.
I could have posted half a million pictures from the day. I am the unofficial "staff photographer" of the day - I take all pictures and add them to the album each year. My mom has dubbed me the paparazzi - on the course I am much more concerned about getting pictures of everybody than I am about golfing! (Oh! My turn again? What hole are we on??) So here are a few more shots from the course...
My paparazzi-ish work, taking pictures through the trees
An action shot from the ninth green
Intimidation! As each team finishes, they line up their carts along the ninth green and watch as the other teams come in. You do NOT want to be the last team to finish!
I should have spent a little more time on my editing this week, but I am later than I had planned on linking up and I didn't want to miss the challenge all together! For some other great photos, be sure to visit You Capture over at Beth's place.
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