Friday, February 24, 2012

And Another Thing...

I'm a busy person.  I always have been and I think I probably always will be.  When (if) I get a chance to just sit and relax I panic a little because I think there is something I should be doing or I'm forgetting something or missing something.  On top of all the stuff I do for myself/my family/my house/etc. there is the stuff my extended family has going on.  I come from a large family and they will find any excuse to get together and have a party.  So of course there is some sense of obligation to attend these events, but mostly I want to attend these events because my family is FUN.  Never a dull moment with that crew!  After I got married we had a lot of "discussions" about this constant running and busy-ness because it is what my husband was used to and not even close to what he grew up with.  I believe now, after almost 11 years, he has finally come to terms with it all, or at least given up and just noted I am the way I am and this is what life with me is like.

After I quit working full time, almost a year ago, we thought this would change.  Of course we have 3 kids and life itself is busy, but we figured it would be a "different busy."  Not the high-stress, work-related busy, but more the "you take him to practice and I'll take her to lessons" kind of busy, which quite honestly I am excited about.  And that kind of busy does exist in our house now, but it is not alone!  Of course there are all the normal things to be done around the house and keeping up with 3 kids at 3 very different stages of their lives.  Plus B has been working more hours and traveling more.  And oh yeah, don't forget that part time job I've been doing, spending a couple of hours each evening working on the computer from our couch. 

SO... what have I decided to do now?  That's right!  Add one more thing!!  Last night I officially signed up to become a Thirty-One Gifts Independent Consultant.  I have toyed with the idea of doing something like this several times over the past few years, but I have finally reached a point where it seems like a good fit.  The extra cash will definitely help (and sometimes be necessary!)  At this point I am excited about the possibilities: I will get out of the house a few hours each week to spend time with other adults, plus we will have some "fun money" to do more things with the kids or finally remodel our master bathroom, since it's been on the top of our To Do list for so long I've stopped counting the months (years?).

So here I am, busier than I was one year ago, but I still have this sense of calm.  Even though I am adding one more thing to our lives, I don't feel burdened or panicked or stressed.  Hopefully this feeling will continue, and will also be felt by everybody else in our house.  Time will tell!

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