Monday, August 20, 2012

You Capture - Photo A Day

I must admit, as I start this post, that I cheated a bit this week.  I didn't get around to viewing last week's You Capture posts until Tuesday, which means I got this week's challenge a day late.  So with the topic being "A Photo A Day" my week ran Tuesday - Monday.  And while I'm at it, I will also admit that this challenge stressed me out a bit.  (OK, more than a bit.)  I thought I would NEVER remember to get a decent shot each day.  BUT I surprised myself and had fun in the meantime!

On Tuesday morning the kids and I went to the park near our house.  Their favorite thing to do there is walk the Nature Trail and my favorite thing to do there is take their picture on this bridge.

On Wednesday we played in our back yard.  This year we planted pumpkins for the first time ever, just to see what they would do.  I love to see them early in the morning, as the sun rises and their blooms open wide toward the East.

Thursday was the start of soccer season in our house.  Both Ella and Lucas will be playing this season and Ella had her first practice Thursday evening.

Friday morning I took the kids downtown so they could play in the new park on the river and we could meet Brandon for lunch.  This was our first visit to this particular park and I can't wait to go back.  They have an exhibit on The Black Brigade and I loved this statue that was perched on top of the wall surrounding the exhibit.  I believe the title was "A Mother Waits With Her Children" (but that probably is not 100% accurate).  The piece alone was moving, but add to it the fact that you can see the Ohio River in the background and the bridge coming from Kentucky and the American Flag (just barely) at the top... it is just unbelievable.  So much to take in.

With a very active, athletic 4-year-old boy in our house a lot of things get stuck on our roof.  Saturday it was a boomerang so Brandon went up to retrieve it.  The whole thing made me giggle - him up there in his Superman shirt with the blue skies in the background.  Too much!  (And so photo-worthy!)

A Sunday afternoon nap - who doesn't love one?!  Casey loved one so much that she didn't care if Joseph's shoes were in her way.  In fact, she seemed rather comfortable snoozing with her nose in there.

And finally Monday morning... I received a single pink rose on Sunday afternoon and it was just too beautiful not to photograph.

So that is my week in photos!  See what everybody else has been up to this week at The Home of You Capture.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

You Capture - Things That Start With B

Wow, it's already Wednesday and I still haven't posted my You Capture shots for the week (which should be done on Monday, for those not aware).  Of course I don't think I have ever posted on Monday... I am always at least a day behind.  But so goes life!

So for "Things That Start With B"... here is my Baby Boy playing Basketball in our Backyard.  Is that enough for you?  :)  This is his favorite past time when we play out back.  I keep trying to raise the hoop on him to see what he can do, but somebody always winds up lowering it again.  His big brother and sister have taught him to say "He shoots!  He scores!" which is adorable, especially because it comes out sounding more like "Eee Ssshhhh!  Eee Sssss!"

Here he is going in for a shot...

...So close!  Reach just a little more...

Slam dunk!

For more "B" shots, visit Beth at I Should Be Folding Laundry.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

You Capture - Get Down Low

I almost didn't make the You Capture post this week.  Quite honestly, I should be long asleep right now - it is late and I have another long day ahead tomorrow.  But sometimes things just weigh on your mind and you can't go to sleep, even though you really are exhausted.  You know?

Anyway, this week's You Capture challenge was Get Down Low.  Yea!!  So easy around here because all little people in this house are constantly getting up high.  I think I live with a bunch of monkeys.

This summer Lucas learned how to get himself started on the swing set, keep himself going by pumping his legs and make himself go higher and higher.  He is so proud!  I may have slightly risked my life by laying under him to take this picture but he thought that was funny and that was enough to put a smile on my face.

Joseph also learned something new this summer.  He learned to climb the ladder to our clubhouse/slide.  I am not so excited about this one because he is going to give me a heart attack.  No fear for that boy!  At least he's cute.

Ella, our ever cautious and careful child when it comes to dare-devil-ism, is the only one who loves being in the tree.  The branches aren't quite low enough for her to get up there herself, so Daddy has to provide a little assistance.  But once she's there you can forget about her because I think she is setting up camp and staying for a while.

And finally an indoor shot of my guard dog.  I actually have two, almost identical.  They love to lay at the top of our steps and look out the front window so they can keep an eye on people who have the nerve to walk on our sidewalk, UPS men who have the nerve to bring us packages and dogs who have the nerve to sniff our mailbox.  What would we do without them?  (Apparently I caught this guard dog at nap time.)

Check out some more low shots at I Should Be Folding Laundry.

Friday, August 3, 2012


I kind of pride myself on being a positive person.  Even in bad situations, I will always try to find something positive - the silver lining, if you will - to take away from it.  I do this because that is how I want to live my life.  I don't like to dwell on the negative and stay down in the dumps.  Don't get me wrong - it's not that I am oblivious to the bad things that happen.  But rather, I prefer to find a way to attack them and turn the situation around.  How can I make it better?  How can I make it go away?  Think positive for a positive outcome.

But this week I was thrown for a loop.  I learned that someone very near and dear to me is in for the fight of her life.  My first thoughts when I heard this news?  It is so unbelievably unfair.  And it sucks.

I have always believed God doesn't give you more than you can handle, and I'm certain she thinks this way, too.  But isn't there a breaking point somewhere?  She and her husband and children have endured so much and it seems they are always fighting some battle.  There isn't time to recover and regroup from battle #1 before battle #2 starts raging.  And yet in the midst of her own personal battles, she will be the first person to rally for you if you need anything.  She will give you the shirt off her back, even if that means she doesn't have another one to replace it. 

So one would think with all the fighting and good-deed-doing, she would finally be dealt a good hand.  Right?  Not so.  This time the bad cards are in her hand and the latest battle is one she must fight for herself.

So many questions swirled through my head this week, but mostly "How?" and "Why?"  And I have prayed like I haven't prayed in a really long time.  Prayed for her and prayed for answers and understanding.  Hasn't she been through enough already?  Doesn't she deserve a break?  Even a little one?  My heart is breaking for her and I feel so helpless because I can't make her better.

I went to visit her on Wednesday and as I ran all the details through my mind the next day and reflected on exactly what was going on (and prayed some more - I really don't think I have stopped since the news broke)... something became very clear.  I have always known her to be an amazingly strong woman and such a fighter.  And here she is again, fighting.  Not a mad, angry, crying fight.  But a strong, determined, positive fight.  The kind that says "You just try to mess with me.  I will take you down."  When faced with the biggest struggle of her life, she is not backing down.  Not one little bit.  She is poised and filled with faith and is even maintaining her sense of humor through it all.  Wow.

It is very difficult to rationalize something terrible happening just so something good can result.  But here she is, facing something so very terrible, and showing us all how to deal.  She is the strong one.  She is the role model.  Yes it's true - God knew who he was dealing with when he handed out this fate.  He knew she could fight it.  Does that mean I think it is fair?  Does that mean I understand?  No and no.  And I probably never will.  But oh my, has my admiration for her grown.  This woman has always been one of my role models for several reasons and now I can add her fighting spirit as another.

I know she will come through this and walk out the other side even stronger than she was before.  I know it won't be easy for her, but I'm certain she will make it easier for the rest of us.