Saturday, August 11, 2012

You Capture - Get Down Low

I almost didn't make the You Capture post this week.  Quite honestly, I should be long asleep right now - it is late and I have another long day ahead tomorrow.  But sometimes things just weigh on your mind and you can't go to sleep, even though you really are exhausted.  You know?

Anyway, this week's You Capture challenge was Get Down Low.  Yea!!  So easy around here because all little people in this house are constantly getting up high.  I think I live with a bunch of monkeys.

This summer Lucas learned how to get himself started on the swing set, keep himself going by pumping his legs and make himself go higher and higher.  He is so proud!  I may have slightly risked my life by laying under him to take this picture but he thought that was funny and that was enough to put a smile on my face.

Joseph also learned something new this summer.  He learned to climb the ladder to our clubhouse/slide.  I am not so excited about this one because he is going to give me a heart attack.  No fear for that boy!  At least he's cute.

Ella, our ever cautious and careful child when it comes to dare-devil-ism, is the only one who loves being in the tree.  The branches aren't quite low enough for her to get up there herself, so Daddy has to provide a little assistance.  But once she's there you can forget about her because I think she is setting up camp and staying for a while.

And finally an indoor shot of my guard dog.  I actually have two, almost identical.  They love to lay at the top of our steps and look out the front window so they can keep an eye on people who have the nerve to walk on our sidewalk, UPS men who have the nerve to bring us packages and dogs who have the nerve to sniff our mailbox.  What would we do without them?  (Apparently I caught this guard dog at nap time.)

Check out some more low shots at I Should Be Folding Laundry.

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